The Fine Arts Student Alliance (FASA) is the official accredited student association comprised of all students enrolled in a Major, Minor or Specialization within Fine Arts at Concordia University.

We operate within a framework of Direct Democracy, which refers to a non-hierarchical decision making process, a commitment to the principle of workers’ self-management (autogestion). In the context of FASA, direct democracy means that power resides in the hands of the Members and that the Meetings of the Members are the highest decision making body.

FASA is committed to being an open, inclusive organization that recognizes diversity, and to promoting access and inclusion to communities traditionally marginalized based on gender, sexual orientation, race, class, language, religion, age, ability, and other intersecting forms of oppression.

Our goal is to encourage the educational, social, artistic, recreational and political interests of the undergraduate Fine Arts students within and beyond the University. Our work supports activities and provides services which enhance the quality of life for undergraduate Fine Arts students. Through our advocacy we aim to  promote the quality and accessibility of education for undergraduate Fine Arts students and for those who have been systematically excluded from the post-secondary education system.

FASA is responsible for administering Clubs and Community Projects.

We act as a support for Affiliates that fall under the Fine Arts Faculty; The Fine Arts Reading Room (FARR) ,VAV Gallery, The Concordia Undergraduate Journal of Art History (CUJAH) and Art Matters Festival. We also cooperate with other organizations that promote student activities and interests, in particular those that operate within a framework of anti-oppression.

We appoint undergraduate Fine Arts student representatives on the Fine Arts Faculty Council, and any other relevant boards, councils or committees as well as exercise supervision and advocate that the activities of faculty and administration are conducted in the best interests of FASA and its Members by facilitating academic, political and social communication between all undergraduate Fine Arts students, the Concordia Student Union (CSU) and the University administration.